Matthew Kirsch
Nourishing Tides
C4 Developing the inner Eye
C4 Developing the inner Eye
Available spots
Service Description
Cranial 4 (C4), Developing the Inner Eye This class is devoted to developing the essential craniosacral skills of focus and perception. The inner-eye and inner-ear are harnessed to sensitive hands-on work with temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD), muscle contraction, migraine and cluster headaches. The first day begins with the study of psychometry in diagnosis, perception and visualization. On the second day students will study brain anatomy and physiology as related to headache and TMD. Temporomandibular joint approaches are investigated in detail. Students will then be taught to combine the intuitive reading of a model’s being with an assessment of the position, motility and energetic loading of their cranial architecture. The accuracy of their perception will then be assessed by following a cranial protocol with their model. On the third and fourth days, students learn the meaning and “weight” of postures and gestures and how to apply intuitive diagnostic information to the invaluable rituals of shamanistic naming and use of totems. This combination of the perceptive, tactile and the experiential is what makes Visionary Craniosacral Work “The High Art.”
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Balaya Buyul Community, Main Arm Road, Main Arm NSW, Australia